sheridan legal services
Drink Driving
You or a friend or family member have been charged with drink driving.
Drink Driving
Whether it’s drink driving or drugs, or both you need to take this very seriously.
You can’t believe that you find yourself in this predicament and that you are embarrassed that you have been charged with a drink-driving offence. You need an expert to provide you with common sense advice. Someone who will speak to you in plain English. A lawyer who can support you during your court appearance and make the right submissions on your behalf. You need to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved.
A drink driving charge may have long-term implications with respect to employment, your reputation and possibly travelling overseas. It’s not a bad mistake that just goes away over time. Getting the best possible advice before you go to court is vital. Don’t listen to friends about representing yourself, you need an expert to ensure you get the best possible outcome.
If this is you first offence you can increase your chances of a reduced sentence by attending a Traffic Offenders Program. The program is conducted at most PCYC clubs. However before enrolling or attending a program for your drink driving offence it is best to get advice from a legal expert to ensure your eligibility.
A drink driving offence is often the only time that a person of otherwise good character is forced to appear in Court. You only get one chance to explain your mistake and demonstrate your good character to the Magistrate. Character references are vital, however they must be brief and to the point, the Magistrate doesn’t have time to read lengthy references that include irrelevant information. You need to get advice from a good lawyer before you ask anyone for a reference.
Would you benefit from talking to Patrick Sheridan for 10 minutes to resolve your most immediate drink driving questions? Patrick will review your situation and give you the practical advice you need right now.
The answer will help determine the best course of action for you, your family and your future.
Ask Patrick your questions today.
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